The Urban Ecosystem design Lab for its teaching, research and placemaking outcomes received the following awards:

2020 Research & Academia Award

Place Agency is an award-winning, innovative Placemaking knowledge sharing platform supporting industry, students, communities and governments to shape better cities connecting people to nature and country.
The program has touched many of the Sustainable Development Goals through its connection to knowledge sharing, education, cities, places, supporting innovation, connecting to water, land, ecosystems, etc.
We have connected with over 5000 people, 1000 placemakers, 900 students, developed over 20 community projects in Australia and shared our placemaking teaching resources developed with 7 universities.

Read more on the Award web page

The award goes to the Place Agency’s placemaking knowledge sharing platform that includes the tactical urbanism intervention TRACES OF LANDSCAPES and the placemaking studio WATER AND PLACES

The award goes to the Place Agency’s placemaking knowledge sharing platform that includes the tactical urbanism intervention TRACES OF LANDSCAPES and the placemaking studio WATER AND PLACES

2019 Place Leadership Award

The Jury recognises the significant contribution of the Place Agency in building the capacity of new urbanists in the field of placemaking with a world-first tertiary national placemaking program.

Read more on the Award web page

The award goes to the Place Agency’s placemaking knowledge sharing platform that includes the tactical urbanism intervention TRACES OF LANDSCAPES

The award goes to the Place Agency’s placemaking knowledge sharing platform that includes the tactical urbanism intervention TRACES OF LANDSCAPES

2017 Excellence in Teaching Award

The award goes to Dr Elisa Palazzo for her teaching outcomes developed as founder and scientific coordinator of the URBAN ECOSYSTEM DESIGN LAB

The award goes to Dr Elisa Palazzo for her teaching outcomes developed as founder and scientific coordinator of the URBAN ECOSYSTEM DESIGN LAB